We provide quality material to Central & Northern CA, OR, WA, NV, ID, AZ, and UT. Call for additional delivery areas.
Order minimum for delivery - Central California = $750; Northern California = $1200; Rack-Ship Minimum = Varies
Ready to order? Contact your area rep below...
Area Contact(s):
Name: Emerald Sica (Northern CA, OR, WA, ID, NV, UT)
Phone: 916-300-4921
E-Mail: emerald@belmontnursery.com
Name: Betsy Thornburg (South & Central Valley, CA)
Phone: 559-916-7093
E-Mail: betsy@belmontnursery.com
Name: Curt Andrewson (Bay Area)
Phone: 831-524-3338
E-Mail: bayareagardensales@gmail.com
Name: Scotty Stout (Bay Area)
Phone: 925-325-3732
E-Mail: scottyjstout@gmail.com
Name: Steve Johnson (Central Coast)
Phone: 805-798-3043
E-Mail: OldCreek.CO@SBCglobal.net
...or call the office 559-255-6645 or Fax 559-255-4040 or email to orders@belmontnursery.com