Sanctuary Of Trees

Sanctuary Of Trees
Plant lovers,
How hot is it where you’re at this weekend? It’s so hot here we have hot water coming out of both taps. Everyone knows the last couple of years has been all about fixing up homes and we all need a place to relax. That’s exactly what trees do, and we have plenty to choose from. Our Lagerstroemias bring beautiful color in the hottest parts of the year, or we also have our Cercis Flame Thrower. The Flame Thrower is a great little tree that only gets 15-20ft tall and only 10ft wide with beautiful red foliage. Perfect for any small yard.
We have trees that flower in the Spring and look great during the Summer; with thick foliage in all different colors such as our Prunus Krauter Vesuvius or our Prunus Yoshino. We also have a large selection of Magnolias in different sizes; #5, #15, and 24in boxes.
Don’t forget to pick up your Ipomea Baskets or our Begonia Red Dragon Wing Baskets, they make for a quick and easy gift.
Happy planting,
Jon Reelhorn
Owner, Belmont Nursery